Monday, February 9, 2009

U-Blog 2

I found that in the Kert Luwin's research on groups, experiential learning and action research to be quit interesting. I'm a big believer in making a group work the best with each other. He did research on the "T" groups, facilitation and experience. While at the Connecticut State Interracial Commission, he, along with others, developed and designed and implemented and 2 week training program that encouraged groups to discuss and make decisions. In this meeting they wanted everyone involved, including the staff, to sit down and talk as peers. The trainer and researchers collected details and found that most people are able to learn and bounce ideas off each other when this type of training occurred. This research Kert Luwin did was very interesting. The link to this material is

1 comment:

  1. Outlaw,

    You picked a good topic to blog about being that this is "right up our alley". The point made about being able to learn and bounce ideas off each other is what i think this class is all about. It will be instrumental for the success of our group project to be able to feed off of each team member's ideas. Do you think that we will be hindered by the fact that we will not be able to always sit down face to face to meet with our team? Or will it strengthen the online dialogue? I feel it will do both, but it will be ultimately up to the team members that put forth the effort. Good Post!
